Remorque publicitaire - Namur

Remorque publicitaire (1)

This item is for rent at our partner. It's suited for carrying stuff around. Visit product information on this page for renting options and collection times.

Half a day 25.00 HTVA
Day 25.00 HTVA
Weekend 50.00 HTVA
Week 140.00 HTVA
Month 300.00 HTVA
Deposit €250.00
APPLICATION à louer, chez Locamat, remorque publicitaire tractable pour l'affichage de calicot, bâche, panneau, enseigne, affiche publicitaire,... DESCRIPTION remorque puclicitaire tractable, porte calicot, en location chez Locamat Wallonie, Hainaut, Namur, Brabant, Bruxelles
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Indicate dates to calculate pricing. Incl. VAT Disclaimer: This is an estimate. Pricing is updated regularly. Please note that price changes might occur.
  • Namur - Chaussée de Marche 645

    Locamat Wierde - 081 / 31 00 11
    5100, Dave - Jambes - Naninne - Wépion - Wierde

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