Massette 5kg - Brussels

Massette 5kg (4)

This item is for rent. The mallet is ideal for demolition of masonry walls. The mass is suitable for driving piles into the ground. Book now on Aliloca!

Half a day 5.60 HTVA
Day 7.00 HTVA
Weekend 10.50 HTVA
Week 17.50 HTVA
Deposit €30.00

Indicate dates to calculate pricing. Incl. VAT Disclaimer: This is an estimate. Pricing is updated regularly. Please note that price changes might occur.
  • Brussels - Cours Saint Michel 80-85

    DIT Shop Etterbeek -
    1040, Etterbeek

  • Brussels - Vorstlaan 240

    Brico Auderghem - 02 672 90 80
    1160, Auderghem

  • Brussels - Britsierslaan 38

    Schaarbeek - +32 (0)2 241 09 34
    1030, Schaerbeek

  • Brussels - Avenue Charles Quint 420

    DIY Shop Berchem St Agathe - +32(0) 24-659984
    1080, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

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