Held classic motorcycle gloves - Namur

Held classic motorcycle gloves (1)

For a classic look, these gloves have a soft, cowling leather exterior and a semi-comfortable cotton lining ensures a comfortable fit. The Dragonette with a pressure closure allows to keep the gloves safely during long outings. Soft cowskin with 65% polyester, 35% cotton soft lining, push button on the wrist, high quality tourism glove.

Day 1.00 HTVA
Weekend 2.00 HTVA
Week 4.50 HTVA
Month 16.00 HTVA

Indicate dates to calculate pricing. Incl. VAT Disclaimer: This is an estimate. Pricing is updated regularly. Please note that price changes might occur.
  • Namur - Chaussée de Wavre 37

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    5030, Beuzet - Ernage - Gembloux - Grand-Manil - Lonzée - Sauveniè..

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