Electric fondue machine - Namur

Electric fondue machine (1)

Fondue ideal for 6 people. It adapts to all the variants: Chinese, burgundy, Savoyard, Antillean, chocolate, etc. Throught the two handles, you can easily and safely handle the pot. This device is ideal in case of breakdown or to supplement other devices during events, meals with family/friends, etc.

Day 1.00 HTVA
Weekend 2.00 HTVA
Week 4.50 HTVA
Month 16.00 HTVA
Has a caquelon with handles, a forks rest and forks. Adjustable Thermostat. Overheat Protection. Capacity (cooking juice): 2.5 litres. Number of fondue forks: 6. Pot removable. Saucepan with non-stick coating. Cable length: 2 m
fondue set |

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