Rent Metal Detector Le Havre, Rouen

Metal detector

A metal detector is a device that can find metal objects several centimetres below the ground. Used in … read more

Belgium / France Le Havre, Rouen
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Le Havre, Rouen

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Le Havre, Rouen

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What you should know about Metal Detector

Metal detector

A metal detector is a device that can find metal objects several centimetres below the ground. Used in various fields such as the military and archaeology or as a hobby, the metal detector can only locate metal objects such as coins, bullets from guns, jewellery and gold nuggets. The detectors send an electromagnetic current from the search coil to the ground, so the metal object in the electromagnetic field will in turn return an electromagnetic field. This transmitted field is then received by the detector's search coil and will produce an audible alert. There are a few types of metal detectors:
  • Frequency beat detector: Uses 2 oscillators. Easy to use, but the least efficient.
  • Very low frequency detector: Contains 2 coils, a transmitter and a receiver. The frequencies used are below 20 kHz.
  • Pulsed Induction Detector: Made up of a single coil, it is very effective for searching for very deep objects in the ground. Small objects can be detected up to 1.50 m below the ground and large objects up to 3.50 m.
  • Ground Penetrating Radar: Very expensive. Interpretation of the results should only be used by specialists.

Le Havre, Rouen


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