Power float 60 cm petrol - Liège

Power float 60 cm petrol (3)

This tool provided by Boels is available for hire. Floats for sanding and finishing concrete and sand-cement floors of various compositions. Combination blades and trowel discs can be rented or purchased from us. When these items are rented, a wear price is charged per day/week in addition to the cost of renting the machine. When the concrete has become just hard enough to walk on, it is often compacted with the trowel disc and then smoothed out with the combination discs. Combination blades are always necessary to have, they also help keep the trowel disc in place.Features
Combination blades and trowel blade available separately
Edging machine for edges and small surfaces
For more information, do not hesitate to contact the supplier. He will be happy to answer you!

Day 69.58 HTVA
Week 139.15 HTVA
power float |

Indicate dates to calculate pricing. Incl. VAT Disclaimer: This is an estimate. Pricing is updated regularly. Please note that price changes might occur.

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