Dameur 200mm - Hainaut

Dameur 200mm (1)

Product available for rent. The tamper is specially designed for compacting sand, earth or debris in trenches or difficult to access locations. Ideal for locations where the use of the vibrating plate is impossible or inadvisable. Do not hesitate to contact the vendor for more information.

Half a day 5.60 HTVA
Day 7.00 HTVA
Weekend 10.50 HTVA
Week 17.50 HTVA
Deposit €25.00
tamper |

Indicate dates to calculate pricing. Incl. VAT Disclaimer: This is an estimate. Pricing is updated regularly. Please note that price changes might occur.
  • Hainaut - Avenue de Philippeville 223

    Brico Couillet - 071 51 03 32
    6001, Marcinelle

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