Broyeur 45mm 230v - Luxembourg

Broyeur 45mm 230v (2)

Product available for rent. The wood chipper can easily shred pruning waste up to 4 cm maximum. The waste can be easily composted after grinding. Do not hesitate to contact the vendor for more information.

Half a day 36.80 HTVA
Day 46.00 HTVA
Weekend 69.00 HTVA
Week 115.00 HTVA
Deposit €175.00
wood chippers |

Indicate dates to calculate pricing. Incl. VAT Disclaimer: This is an estimate. Pricing is updated regularly. Please note that price changes might occur.
  • Luxembourg - Chemin de Clairefontaine 2

    Brico Arlon - 063 24 25 70
    6700, Arlon - Bonnert - Heinsch - Toernich

  • Luxembourg - Avenue de Bouillon 48

    DIY Shop Libramont - +32 (0)61 22 34 21
    6800, Bras - Freux - Libramont-Chevigny - Moircy - Recogne - Remag..

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