Renting News and interviews

Gent, East-Flanders - Belgique

At Aliloca, we provide you an easy way to rent anything when you need it. Find rental shops in Belgium, more precisely in Gent, East-Flanders.

Find trusted rental shops in Gent, East-Flanders

Close to you in Gent, East-Flanders ?

Renting should be local, that's why we help you find stuff close to your home at dealers you can trust.

Where can I find shops offering a rental service in East Flanders?


As far as rental professionals are concerned, you have a wide range of choices at Aliloca. We offer the best specialists in most of the municipalities in East Flanders. Discover them in Sint-Niklaas, Aalst, Lokeren, Dendermonde and Wetteren. Don't wait any longer and choose the equipment you need in Aliloca!

East Flanders in a nutshell


East Flanders is a Belgian province in the north of Belgium, in the Flemish region. It is possible to go on a number of walks and to visit a whole series of historical sites such as the unmissable castle of the Counts of Flanders in Gent (capital of East Flanders), but also numerous churches such as the church of Saint-Nicolas, the church of Saint-Michel and the church of Saint-Jacques. Come and visit the many merchants in Aliloca who offer products of all kinds of themes.

Waar kan ik winkels vinden die hun verhuurdiensten aanbieden in Oost-Vlaanderen?


Bij Aliloca heeft u een ruime keuze aan verhuurprofessionals. Wij bieden u de beste specialisten in de meeste gemeenten van Oost-Vlaanderen aan. Ontdek ze in Sint-Niklaas, Aalst, Lokeren, Dendermonde of Wetteren. Wacht niet langer en kies het materiaal dat u nodig heeftt op Aliloca!

Questions about News and interviews ?

Renting should be simple. We are here to help.

Locations in Gent, East-Flanders

Overview of the cities in this area: