Rent City vehicle Besançon, Montbéliard

A city vehicle is a fairly small car, very practical for getting around in large cities. It has fairly small …

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Rent City vehicle France
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Belgium / France Besançon, Montbéliard
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What you should know about City vehicle

A city vehicle is a fairly small car, very practical for getting around in large cities. It has fairly small dimensions, which allows the user to have a very great maneuverability, a very small turning circle, but also to park in very narrow spaces. There are several types of city cars: micro-city cars whose length is approximately around 3 meters, mini-city cars which will not exceed 3.7 meters in length, and multi-purpose city cars measuring more or less 4 meters in length.

If you want to get around the city quickly without using public transportation, then the city car is the ideal choice. It is the perfect transportation for rural areas, known for their narrow streets.


Besançon, Montbéliard


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